Sustainability: at surface level, it is a calm, stable word. It is about maintaining a constant level, about achieving balance. But, in reality, it is a complex, daunting and divisive topic, charged with turmoil and uncertainty. Sustainability relates to the planet, to the environment, but also to the people that inhabit it, use its finite resources, and to the socio-economic systems, needs and beliefs that drive this.

Earth Matters recognises this complexity and the fact that both the problem and the solution are interconnected and evolving. It is our way of trying to navigate the intricacy, of exploring possible ways forward through the lens of brands. Because we believe that brands occupy a key space as change-drivers for consumers. They have the power to unite and to influence our lifestyles and consumption habits. They have the reach and the resources to continuously innovate and evolve in search of a solution. And, of course, it is often the consumers themselves that demand this of them: for example, 88% of US and UK consumers want brands to help them be more environmentally friendly and ethical in their daily life. [1]

With Earth Matters, we want to follow the different paths to sustainability that brands are forging, and – in so doing – to inject hope and a sense of tangible progress into the word.

In each issue, we will endeavour to highlight the challenges that face us, but then to also seek out and talk about the signs and symbols of positive change for people and planet.

Our first article is now available here.



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