‘Every Dimension’ is a podcast created for those buying and selling design. Our aim is to explore how to demand more from design and how to deliver it, so that we can keep growing brands through tomorrow’s challenges and opportunities, which come in every dimension.

For future episodes please subscribe here. You can also find us on Apple and Spotify.

Stefan Casey: CPG Digital Transformation – A Mindset For Brand Owners and Designers.

September 2024  |  52 minute listen

Stefan Casey is Front-End Innovation, Packaging and Digital Transformation, Senior Specialist at Nestlé, the world’s largest food and beverage company. He is passionate about all things digital in consumer-packaged-goods [CPG] production and experience. He leads at Nestle and is demanding more from our industry as he feels digital transformation is lagging while brands miss out on its potential. Hear him explain the new mindset that is required.

Previous Episodes

Atoshi George: Consumer Curious Science & Design

January 2023  |  42 minute listen

Head of scientific UK & L’Oreal, Atoshi George talks about the role of curiosity, empathy and creativity in the world of science. We discuss how the consumer-centric approach to marketing, science and design at L’Oreal compares to her previous employment at Unilever and we cover how ‘demanding a little bit of magic’ can change how value is perceived by consumers, to help make sustainability more desirable. 


Catherine Conway: Normalising Reuse Packaging Design

February 2023  |  55 minute listen

“The profits of packaging are privatised, and the costs socialised.” Social entrepreneur and Founder of Unpackaged, Catherine Conway covers how she began before single-use was even a thing, from a market stall to a political mission and how her design partners have been fundamental to the future of the project and the battle for a reusable world. 

Minnie Moll: Designing Our World Better

March 2023  |  35 minute listen

Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.” Chief Executive of the Design Council and leader of the Design For Planet Mission, Minnie Mole quotes Henry Ford; A perfect summary of her belief in how design minds can shape and re-shape the world around us. Minnie shares her journey from front of house at an advertising agency, to becoming a strategic adviser on design. She shares with us the importance of having an ‘empty chair’, quite literally, at the table for the planet, and how it should be part of every design discussion.


Dr Lara Ramdin: Questioning Innovations & Designing For The Future

April 2023  |  55 minute listen

A story of creativity, curiosity and collaboration, from beauty to beer, Innovation expert and future thinker Dr. Lara Ramdin discusses her experience within product and business innovation. Now with a new role as Chief Innovation & Science Officer at Upcycled Foods Inc. she builds commercial opportunities for food waste. We talked in her previous role about the importance of design thinking and the value of stopping to think; Are we asking the right question? We also cover innovate ideas within sustainability and why packaging keeps her up at night, with thoughts around designs role in making sustainable products more widely accessible.



Steve Honour: Finding Untapped Potential in Design and Designers

May 2023  |  48 minute listen

“Design should be about challenging expectations.” Head of Single Malts Design at Diageo, designer Steve Honour talks about his alternative routes into the creative industry and the significant role Dyslexia has played in his career. He opens our minds to the potential strengths of Dyslexia, also sharing with us some innovative thinking into design, finding new talent and embracing different minds.



Nick Wall: Sustainability, Circularity & Designing Our Way Out of Catastrophe

June 2023  |  49 minute listen

“Just because it’s been done before like ‘a’, doesn’t mean ‘b’ is not the right way.” From chartered surveying to cocktails to chartering new territories within sustainability; Founder of Tails cocktails and the UK’s first circular venture studio Etsaw Ventures, Nick Wall talks about the importance of imaginative design and backing ideas of consequence. We also discuss the potential gains to be had within becoming more circular and the importance of simply trying. As a very wise man once said; “Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good.” – Nick’s Dad.

Mark Van Iterson: How To Make Good Design Happen 

July 2023  |  50 minute listen

We speak to Global Design Director, Portfolio at The Heineken Company, Mark Van Iterson. We discuss the full experience of design and the importance of rational in implementable, multi-dimensional design. He tells us how he bridges the gap between strategy and creativity and the vital role human intuition plays when using data to justify design, telling us; “Data always reflects the past, not the future.” He also gives us some tips into creating iconic design, using Strongbow Cider as an example of what brand assets can do when given the chance.

Dominika Minarovic & Elsie Rutterford: Doing ‘Beauty’ Responsibly, By Design.

August 2023  |  51 minute listen

Bybi beauty co-founders Elsie and Dominika give us a glimpse into their shared world as ‘clean beauty insiders’. From marketing gurus to beauty trail blazers, they talk about their shared passion for wellness and how it inspired the unique Bybi formula. Cooking up a new, natural recipe for the skincare industry, we discuss their passion for bringing ‘an enjoyable moment’ to the naturals space and delivering responsibility over sustainability.

John Gleason: Elevating Design to a Strategic Business Competence with an Emphasis on the Business of Design.

September 2023  |  55 minute listen

John is President of the consultancy ‘A Better View Strategic Consulting’. He’s been consulting for 16 years and before that he ended a 20-year stint at Procter and Gamble as Director of Business Partnership across Global Design. He is the guy you want to talk to if you want to buy or sell design more effectively. He gives advice on using designer super-powers and a designer approach (Design Thinking) to deliver strategic value to brands.

Chris Forecast: Baking Sustainability into All Design Thinking.

October 2023  |  44 minute listen

We speak to our very own Chris Forecast, who reveals some unexpected back stories from his journey into design. From conceptualising a cardboard coffin in teenage hood, through to designing for today’s big-name brands. Chris also talks of his intent to “bake sustainability into all design thinking”, telling us of the potential silver bullet that is re-use, also quoting: “It’s not waste, it’s resource.”

Gareth Turner: The Fundamentals of Marketing for a Creative Perspective!

November 2023  |  47 minute listen

Founder of Marketing Consultancy Big Black Door, Gareth Turner talks through the fundamentals of a marketer’s role. He explains the balance of time and focus between diagnosing the challenge or opportunity for a brand the strategy and the tactics to deliver it. We also discuss what tactics for product, price, place and promotion are and the difference between ideas and execution!

Shafik Saba: Partnering with AI to Foster Human-Centred Design

February 2024  |  34 minute listen

Innovation guru, AI advocate and self-acclaimed geek, Shafik Saba gives us working insight into the developing role of AI within his work at Haleon: The world’s largest consumer healthcare company. He tells us; “When done right, you have the designer throughout.” As Haleon’s Global Lead for front end innovation, Shafik shares his views on the potentially rewarding partnership between computer and man, quoting; “AI won’t replace your job, but someone who uses it will.”

Tom Barton: Demanding More From Your Brand. Honest Burgers To Honest Farming

April 2024  |  35 minute listen

Tom Barton and partners founded Honest Burgers in 2011. Now with nearly 40 restaurants and nearly 900 people selling about 3 million burgers a year he is Director of Food, Quality and Sustainability. We discover that packaging is the least of his problems and how Tom hopes his support of an emerging form of regenerative farming will reduce his business’ environmental footprint.

Olaf Van Gerwen: Culinary Identity – The New Challenge and Opportunity You Didn’t Know You Had!

May 2024  |  40 minute listen

Does your food and drink look a lot like the competition? Olaf helps food and drink brands design and develop a crucial but often overlooked, asset, their Culinary Identity. He works in a dimension we respond to daily, but we haven’t talk about yet. Here he shares his expertise!

Hugo Lynch: Demanding a Door-Step Delivery That Does Milk, Better.

June 2024  |  44 minute listen

Hugo is Sustainability Lead at Abel & Cole. This year he helped launch their Club Zero refillable PLASTIC milk bottle. It’s a great achievement and includes at tale of 3 years, 7 teams of experts, and 3 failed experiments. The secret being system evolution over change and harmonisation and standardisation over novelty.

Stuart Chidley: Return For Reward – Designing Responsible Behaviour Change.

July 2024  |  40 minute listen

Beauty Kitchen’s mission is to disrupt the global beauty market. Leading the way on creating products that are more good, not just less bad. Stuart Chidley explains how their cradle-to-cradle philosophy and certification has driven them to also lead the way on the design and scaling of reusable packaging systems, with Reposit.


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