

Putting a smile on a brand icon.

For all its modest stature, Chapstick enjoys giant status as an international brand, standing shoulder to shoulder with other global icons. However, with a confused and cluttered brand expression, this iconic status was under threat. Path won the pitch to return Chapstick to its former health.

Before addressing graphic issues, we developed a refreshed positioning. ‘Lip Health’ was identified as a solid platform for its return to brand health — and what better way to express this than to put a design smile on its face. Along with this, a closely observed redrawn logotype and a single-minded approach to colours, rebooted the brand with a beaming expression on its face.

This new look was further reinforced with a range of memorable blister packs. The 2d smile was brought to 3d life with smiling die-cuts, delivering an upbeat and positive outlook. Benefit-led propositions, such as all-natural and sun-block, picked up graphic equities across the range with a circular graphic inspired by the round footprint of the sticks.

Ready to take a different Path? Contact us here.


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