That’s Interesting! 04.12.20

From plastic offset subscriptions to Covid-inspired line extensions, here are some things that made us say “That’s interesting!” in the studio this week.

Buy Less, Demand More.

Patagonia is no stranger to anti-Black Friday campaigns. Their most iconic one was probably in 2011, where they took a stand against consumerism with “Don’t Buy This Jacket”. This year they shook things up again with “Buy Less, Demand More”. Patagonia is trying to encourage the shift towards a more circular economy and is asking consumers to demand more from brands. Along with this new campaign, now when you go on their website to browse for a new fleece or a new pair of running tights, you’ll see a button that links to refurbished alternatives, re-directing you to a trade-in platform which has the same products at a lower price to you and the planet. Consumerism is no longer acceptable, and every Black Friday becomes an opportunity to highlight this and for brands and consumers to make an effort to change things and live more responsibly.

Join the movement here

Kind subscription.

It’s very difficult to change consumer habits when it comes to the use of plastic. It is one of humanity’s biggest addictions, as we discuss again and again in Earth Matters (see our latest article on The New Materials). Beauty and personal care brand by Humankind looks to help by combining self-care with being kind to the environment. They recently launched a “Plastic, neutral” subscription to complement their refillable and plastic-free products. Consumers can subsidize the plastic collection efforts of Plastic Bank, an organisation that buys collected plastic and pays above-market rates for it, thereby providing a significant revenue stream for impoverished nations. The best part is that you don’t have to buy any by Humankind products to contribute – you can just buy the subscription! With sustainability high on the agenda, it is interesting to see brands develop their offering accordingly, even making sustainability an SKU in itself!

Be kind here

Made for this moment.

As a brand, Kleenex already inhabited the world of hygiene, cleanliness and care. So the brand’s recent line extension for a Covid-riddled world makes perfect sense. The new Proactive Care range includes hygiene face masks, antibacterial hand sanitiser, hygienic hand towels and antibacterial wipes, and it aims to provide a sense of control, confidence and protection whilst being comforting and soothing. The calming green colour palette against a white background is a cue for cleanliness and peace of mind, with hand-inspired graphics that remind us all of the importance of handwashing. Feeling safe, protected and calm is key these days and familiar, trusted brands are ideally placed to help consumers achieve this.

Get yours here

Dropp it!

Dropps is a direct-to-consumer, natural household cleaning brand. To take its sustainable narrative one step further, the packaging has just been refreshed and evolved to eliminate unnecessary weight and plastic. The aim of the re-design was to reduce the environmental impact of delivering products to consumers. Dropps removed unnecessary packaging and created a cardboard box which is sturdy enough to be shipped without extra packaging. It is good to see how even a brand that was “born” sustainable doesn’t stop evolving, modernising and renewing its commitment to being truly eco.

Drop the bad stuff here




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