That’s Interesting! 08.01.21

We’re back, Happy New Year! We hope to continue to inspire you, uplift you and to keep things positive and interesting in 2021.

So, from portable menstrual cup cleaners to games made out of dreams, here are some things that made us say “That’s Interesting” in the studio this week.

Meet Emanui!

Emanui is a portable and reusable menstrual cup cleaner that saves water. Sounds amazing, right? The idea is to make women’s lives easier and to offer a more convenient and sustainable way of cleaning menstrual cups on the go without having to use a public sink. According to its creators, Emanui uses 2500% less water and it is made from medical silicone, a material that is sterile and light to carry in a bag.

How will feminine hygiene products continue to innovate, break taboos and become more sustainable?

Join the new age here

The real thing.

As a spirit, vodka is not something that is often sipped. It is usually part of a cocktail or a shot on a crazy night out. NEFT vodka begs to differ. Jeff Mahony, the director and CEO of this new ultra-premium spirit, which combines the perfect mix of Russian roots and ingredients sourced from the Austrian Alps, wanted to create a type of vodka that you do not mix with sugary juices. NEFT can be enjoyed in the same way that you would enjoy a glass of good whiskey. And to redefine the rules of vodka even further, NEFT comes in a disruptive pack format: a unique tin barrel, rather than the conventional glass bottle. When a product is breaking conventions, how can the packaging format help it stand-out, while still remaining premium and crafted?

Pour yourself a glass here

Optimism by design.

DesignSingapore Council has launched an exhibition that showcases optimistic projects for the pandemic era made by Singaporean designers. The designs include an inflatable textile, a soap-making machine and a paint to repair broken sneakers. The focus of most of the projects has been to enhance personal hygiene or to act as a support for better mental health, balance and wellbeing, both of which have been put to the test over the last year. As our priorities continue to shift to better caring for ourselves, others and the environment, how can we turn this into a platform for creativity and innovation? 

Check it out here

The game of YOUR dreams.

For the launch of their new console – the Xbox Series X – the Xbox team partnered with dream scientists to really push the boundaries of the next generation of gaming. As part of their launch campaign, which is aptly named Made From Dreams, this initiative invites gamers to see what happens after they have played with the new Xbox Series X and go to sleep. It aims to brings their dreams to life and to create new games made from them. How can technology evolutions create new opportunities to connect with consumers in new dimensions?

Dream away here


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