That’s Interesting 16.07.21

From bizarrely disruptive flavour collabs to boosting body positivity, here are some things that made us say “That’s Interesting” in the studio this week.

So, we see flavour collaborations (real this time, not a spoof!) that combine unexpected brands and ingredients, periods being normalised with a spotlight on their unique and important health benefits, social media making another (much needed) move towards body positivity, and car manufacturers using innovation to deliver inclusivity.

ice cream mac & cheese

Cheesy scoop.

Remember how in last week’s edition we wrote about the spoof flavour collab Mayoreo? Today we bring you another combo, equally bizarre but real this time! Kraft and Van Leeuwen ice cream joined forces for a summer limited edition and a (we hope?!) super delicious treat: mac and cheese ice cream! The collaborative dessert’s cool temperature is perfect for the season, while its nostalgic flavour brings back fun childhood memories filled with warm bowls of this comfort dish. Seasonal collaborations between brands are the perfect way to increase traction and be in sync with consumers. And unexpected combos are sure to generate a buzz!

Start with dessert here

Innovation, period.

Although they are completely natural, periods have always been perceived as something indecent or taboo. And so their benefits and importance are usually forgotten. For example, one little known fact is that menstrual blood contains pluripotent stem cells that are usually harvested from bone marrow via invasive procedures. To raise awareness around this, ANEO (a speculative project) was created: a kit that would allow women to safely collect their period blood and send it to a menstrual blood bank, which would then use it to develop treatments for a range of diseases. To encourage people to contribute and overcome menstrual stigma, donors would receive a piece of jewellery made from their own blood. Design has a key role to play in moving us past stigma and triggering positive change: it’s a free space for creativity to operate unhindered by social norms and constraints.

Bloody good work here

Pinterest body positivity

The size of beauty.

Pinterest is the latest social media platform to move towards body positivity: they’ve decided to ban all weight-loss ads. After thorough research on recent consumer trends, the platform discovered (rather unsurprisingly…) that around the world, people of all ages are facing challenges related to body image and mental health. The pandemic has accelerated this and, according to data from the National Eating Disorder Association, there has been a steep rise in unhealthy eating disorders. All of this led the platform to take a clear stand on the matter and to prioritise the mental health of its audience over ad revenues. The visual stimuli around us play a huge role in influencing how we look, think and appreciate who we are – it’s important for popular platforms like Pinterest to help users find balance between aspirational aesthetics and conscious curation.

Positive pins here

Shoe navigator.

Japanese automobile, motorcycle and power equipment manufacturer Honda just added another capability to its list! It created Ashirase, Inc. the first start-up to came out of Ignition, Honda’s new business incubator programme. Ashirase, Inc. focuses on a revolutionary type of technology: they developed an in-shoe navigation system which supports visually impaired individuals with walking. The system works through a smartphone app and a 3D vibration device with a motion sensor that’s attached inside the shoe. The device may not be directly related to Honda’s core car business, but it shows how the brand is expanding its vision of mobility, using its clout to make it more inclusive.

These shoes are made for walking here


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